WayCap è la società italiana, operante nel torinese, che si è inventata le capsule per caffè riutilizzabili all’infinito (compatibili con la macchinetta Nespresso). Le capsule della WayCap risolverebbero invece il problema dello smaltimento delle capsule con un risparmio secondo gli ideatori fino all’85% sul costo delle cialde per espresso tradizionali. Ad oggi le cialde di alluminio non sono ancora considerate come rifiuto riciclabile in quanto la capsula andrebbe infatti pulita dopo l’uso, il caffè rimasto dovrebbe essere buttato nell’organico e l’alluminio nel contenitore ad esso dedicato, queste situazione comporta che alla fine le capsule vengono gettate direttamente nel contenitore di casa dell’indifferenziato.

La capsula è identica a quella usa e getta, e grazie al dosatore che viene fornito in dotazione consente di essere ricaricata con e con qualsiasi tipo di miscela. La capsula è facile da pulire in quanto basta svuotarla ed tirare fuori la polvere rimasta e poi sciacquare il piccolo contenitore. Una volta asciugata, la capsula è pronta per un nuovo caffè, inoltre la capsula può essere lavata direttamente in lavastoviglie. Il dosatore permette poi di contenere due capsule ed è richiudibile grazie ai due tappi posti all’estremità.

Sul sito di WayCap è disponibile un modulo per calcolare quanto si risparmierebbe utilizzando le loro capsule rispetto a quelle usa e getta, in relazione al proprio consumo quotidiano.

Gli ideatori hanno affermato che sono serviti numerosi tentativi e due anni di sperimentazione per determinare la forma e la distribuzione degli slot di uscita dei fori di entrata che permettono all’acqua di fluire all’interno del contenitore nello stesso modo come in un tradizionale espresso.

Luigi Cristiani

Luigi Cristiani

Laureato in Economia, ha poi conseguito un MBA presso lo Stoà. Lavora in Enel Green Power dove si occupa di pianificazione e controllo . Dal 2010 scrive su diversi blog di economia e finanza (Il Denaro,...

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1 Comment

  1. Davide De Ruvo, Principal owner and Matteo and Matteo of WAYCAP:

    Your product does not work! Please confirm that a refund of $185.33 CAD has been processed on January 12, 2018 and returned to my credit card immediately! The date now is January 16, 2018. I will not be ignored by you or your partners. As a consumer, you MUST provide me with a full refund. If you are running Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns, and soliciting money from consumers worldwide, you must provide every consumer exceptional customer service if your product does not work! Once again, as a consumer I will not be ignored. Please refund my $185.33 CAD immediately as per my many emails sent to you.


    Davide De Ruvo, Principal owner and Matteo and Matteo of WAYCAP:

    As per your Facebook configurations and blocking me off of Facebook, you will not silence me as a consumer. I will continue to request for my $185.33 CAD refund owing. As per my previous emails, ALL campaigns will be notified as well as consumers worldwide. This will not end until my refund of $185.33 CAD is received. Please confirm that a refund of $185.33 CAD has been processed on January 12, 2018 and returned to my credit card immediately! The date now is January 16, 2018.

    Davide De Ruvo, Principal owner of WAYCAP blaming me for the FedEx return rates/charges

    This is NOT acceptable! As per my previous emails, I am NOT responsible for the shipping charges/rates set by FedEx! What is it that you do not understand Davide? My money will not be taken from you, Matteo or Matteo! Your product has been misrepresented and you are simply placing blame on me for the return FedEx charges. As a consumer, I will not stand for this any longer. This is EXTREMELY unethical and my money will not be taken by you or your organization. Kickstarter, Indiegogo and other customer protection organizations have been notified and I will personally and relentlessly fight for my promised refund. As a consumer, I will not be bullied or cheated by you Davide or your partners Matteo and Matteo. I am tired of your accusations, mistreatment and misrepresentation. I will be taking this communication to open public forums and will not stop until you refund my $185.33 CAD owing. As a consumer, I will not be cheated and treated in this manner. No consumer from a Kickstarter or Indiegogo, distributor, supplier or anyone else worldwide viewing your product should go through the harassment, pain and suffering that I have encountered with you and your organization. You are soliciting money from two campaigns requesting from the open market to fund your ventures. As a business on these campaigns, you are obligated to offer ALL clients with exceptional service. Your product DID NOT WORK on my machine Davide as promised based on your claims and representation. You requested for me to return the product as I did. You arbitrarily decided that the return FedEx cost/rates from Canada to Italy were not to your liking so, as a Principal owner of WAYCAP you have decided not to return my funds. This is unacceptable. I am not responsible for giving you my money for an item that does not work.

    Davide De Ruvo, please confirm that a refund of $185.33 CAD has been processed on January 12, 2018 and returned to my credit card immediately so we can both move on with our lives! The date now is January 16, 2018.

    Davide DeRuvo, Principal owner and Matteo and Matteo of WAYCAP:

    As per a Senior Representative at FedEx: Please view the rates from Canada to Italy. It is apparently that you are not aware of the taxes implemented by a country. As of today, it would cost a shipment from Toronto, Canada to Torini, Italy weighing at 2.3lbs using FedEx Pak a total of $158.94 CAD ($147.85 Base rate+ $11.08 Fuel surcharge). I do not understand why you cannot understand this cost and place blame on me, the customer for these rates/charges? FYI: Each country sets their own transportation taxes. Please brief yourself on this. I do not have any authorization to establish tax rates in Italy or Canada. A package leaving Torino Italy today entering Toronto Canada would cost $102.00 CAD. Please review the screen shots below and the FedEx International Priority Export Rates (Zone G is Italy. I have highlighted this section and rates for you) or visit http://www.fedex.com.

    In addition: I used a FedEx Authorized Service Center exclusive by FedEx to offer FedEx services. This FedEx Authorized Service Center does not make any individual profit or authorized to set their own rates/charges. Please understand this. Alternatively, you may call FedEx to confirm. The date now is January 17, 2018.

    Please refund the $185.33 CAD amount owing to me immediately.

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